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My 2 Cents: 'egg cracking' prank involving children is distasteful

What?! The 'Egg Cracking Challenge' has gone viral on TikTok, as parents record themselves cracking eggs on their kids’ foreheads. The result is often distressing.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — It's time for "my 2 cents."

As a mother, I have a hard time "scrambling up" any sense of logic behind social media pranks involving children.

If you haven't already heard of the 'egg cracking challenge,' you will be stunned to know 2.3 million people have viewed videos with the hashtag (#eggcrackingchallenge) on TikTok

I refuse to replay the videos, so just imagine, as I paraphrase what they show: a parent sets up what looks like a baking activity with his or her child. The child seems so excited, getting ready to crack the eggs into the bowl, until suddenly, without warning, the parent cracks the egg...on the child's forehead. 

In most videos, it is evident the crack hurts. The child grimaces or cries. More disturbingly, some of the parents begin to laugh, and then, yes, post the whole exchange on social media...for views from strangers.

Numerous parenting organizations and public figures have spoken out against the "egg cracking challenge," and I love the thoughtful response from YouTube sensation music teacher Ms. Rachel.

"It's so great to laugh and joke around with our little ones and have fun, but we need to be mindful we're not causing any physical or emotional discomfort. Little ones feel safe and secure when they trust their parents, and we don't want to lose that trust," she emphasized.

I try hard not to judge other parents. None of us is perfect. And, let's face it -- there is no rule book for parenting in the era of social media. We all are learning as we go, keeping in mind young children cannot consent to what we post about them.

Let's take the "egg cracking challenge" out with the shells in the garbage and replace a prank with a precious family memory, where we all can "crack up" with true joy.

That's just "my 2 cents."



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