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Ways to rebuild trust with co-workers

Trust is the foundation of relationships including professional relationships. Blanca Cobb shares ways to rebuild trust when you've lost trust at work.

On the Good Morning Show this morning, we talked about the health benefits when the boss and employees have a trusting relationship. Employees tend to be more energetic and engaged. They tend to feel less stress, burn out and took less sick days. Now, we want to flip the table so to speak. What if you're in a job where there isn't trust. And finding another job isn't an option because of the current unpredictable economy. 

To start the process of rebuilding trust, you have to identify your emotional triggers when you're around the person who betrayed you. Knowing how you act around that person will let you consciously change your interactions to a more neutral tone. It's hard for someone to make things right if you're not open to making amends. 

After you figure out your emotional triggers then you have to pinpoint exactly what you don't trust about the person. The term "trust" is broad. It's more helpful if you can pinpoint exactly what you don't trust because it makes it easier to find solutions or a way to address the issues. 

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Even though you might think that it's the other person's responsibility to repair trust, it can be helpful if move the process along with a discussion of what can be done to repair trust. Share your ideas. Have an open conversation. 

Share your thoughts on my Facebook page: Blanca Cobb - Body Language Expert. Write a message on my timeline and I'll get back to you. While you're on my page, I'd appreciate it if you give it a "like". 

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