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Zoomed out? Ways to deal with too many calls

Too much of a good thing can turn bad. Ways to handle zoom call after zoom call.

Remember running around to meetings when it was business as usual?Remember being exhausted after all the meetings? You might of thought that zoom video calls would have been a good alternative. But, many people are getting zoomed out. This means being on zoom too much. It's also known as "zoom fatigue."

There are a few reasons why you get tired of all the zoom calls. Having back to back zoom calls without breaks is exhausting if you're not getting time to re-energize in between calls. In zoom meetings, you're missing body language cues that helps you understand people better. Many times, you're just looking at someone's face and shoulders. You miss movements and gestures that help you understand someone's message or how they're feeling. Many people will put themselves on mute and surf the net and answer texts. If you're distracted then you're trying hard to catch up when you refocus on the call. Tech issues such delays or frozen screens can be problematic. 

Zoom calls will continue to be part of work life even when businesses reopens. Here are ways to deal with being zoomed out. Schedule breaks. Back-to-back meetings are exhausting even if they were face-to-face. Some people feel like they have account for every single minute to prove that they're working. Think of this - if you're exhausted then what's the quality of your work? On the other hand, some people have the meetings that last too long. Streamline your messages and get off zoom. Use email or phone calls as a variety and when appropriate. To help with nonverbal cues, move back from the camera to see hands. An added bonus, talk and walk when you can. Fresh air and sunshine can spark some of your energy back. 

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Share your thoughts on my Facebook page: Blanca Cobb-Body Language Expert. Write a message on my timeline and I'll get back to you. While you're on my page, I'd appreciate if you give it a like. 

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