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Student reunites with woman who helped during bus crash

Nolan Reid's mom says he broke his jaw and got a concussion during last week's bus crash in Graham. He is now home from the hospital and recovering.

GRAHAM, N.C. — After four days at UNC Hospital, Nolan Reid is finally home and recovering with family. 

"It's like a nightmare to get that phone call and it's your child and it's really hard like even being without him right now, knowing my mom has him it's still hard," Reid's mom, Brandi Williams said. 

Reid went to the hospital last Thursday when the school bus he was riding crashed into a building. Williams said he broke his jaw and got a concussion. 

"He holds his teeth together when he talks, but he wanted to check on his friends and his bus driver and I wanted the bus driver to know that we don't hold him responsible. Accidents happen and even if it was somebody else driving that bus, it could have happened to anybody," Williams explained. 

Ronald Farrow was driving the bus. We relayed her message to him.

"Thank you," Farrow continued "The parents care, you see that's the thing is I don't want parents to have hard feelings against me for this because they could have lost a child, but God didn't," exclaimed Farrow. 

Farrow recalls feeling the bus shift, that's when he ran off Highway 87 and into the Lloyd Septic building. 

When the Lloyds noticed the crash, they ran out to help the 18 students on board, including Reid. 

"I just sat down in the middle of them and just thought about what if this was my child, what I would want somebody to do, and just hugged on them and loved on them and started praying over them," said Lloyd. 

On the way home from the hospital Sunday, Reid paid Angela Lloyd a visit letting her know he was okay. 

"It was very emotional I tried not to cry in front of him. I'm trying not to cry right now, but it was just really nice again just to kind of have some closure to be able to check on the children that we knew they had taken to the hospital because we had not heard official updates on anybody," said Llyod. 

The Alamance- Burlington school system said all six of the children sent to the hospital in the crash have been released. 

Williams said depending on how Reid is feeling and the status of his physical therapy, it might be a month before he returns to school. 

ABSS said they will continue to support the injured students as they return to class. 

RELATED: 'I want parents to know I'm really sorry' | Bus driver shares what happened when he crashed

RELATED: 'I hope all the other babies are OK!' | Mom of student injured in school bus crash shares how he's doing

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