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How to make your family vacation great for all ages

Blanca Cobb has some tips to plan a family vacation everyone will love.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — This morning we're talking about family vacations with grandparents, parents, and kids across generations. Earlier on the show, we discussed potential problems that can arise in vacations with family members of different ages. Now, we want to discuss how to avoid potential so you can have the best vacation.

To help ensure a great family vacation, planning together is a great way to start. Have a family chat to get everyone's input and interests so everyone feels included. Try to include as many of their requests as possible.

A common mistake families make when planning a vacation is thinking that everyone must participate in every family activity. This can lead to disaster because it's likely that everyone might not be interested in all activities. Instead, have certain activities that everyone has to attend, like dinner. Give options like go-carts or beach time. On the flip side, it's important not to leave people out of activities because they'll feel left out.

Regarding accommodations, consider having separate living areas so everyone can have privacy. Having downtime away from each other can make a difference in how people get along. Vacation rentals, villas, or hotel suites are good options.

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