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Catching the 'love bug' | 4 generations help Triad couple celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary

Ernest and Martha Whitesell celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary with a little help from some of their oldest friends and youngest admirers.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — In 1953, Dwight Eisenhower was inaugurated as the nation's 34th president.

That same year, Queen Elizabeth II assumed the British Throne.

It was also the year Ed Whitesell, better known as "Bug," found his soon to be bride, Martha.

"I thought he was really cute," said Martha Whitesell. 

Ed said, "My neighbor, once he saw her, he said 'you've got the best looking girl in Guilford County'!"

Fast forward to 2023, 70 years after the couple entered into holy matrimony, the two had the chance to celebrate their own platinum jubilee.

"70 years with the same man is a long time. Lord have mercy, that's a long time!" said Martha. 

"No it don't. Not to me. It really don't seem like 70 years," the couple said.

The two were originally set up by friends from church and it didn't take long for Martha to catch the love bug."

"We were married by a probate judge at night," said Martha.

Ed continued, "We had to get him out of bed, I believe. Yeah, we did. Because it was late when we got there."

This week, their children's children's children got to help celebrate the happy couple.

"We have 11 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren," said Martha. 

On June 17th, the two renewed their vows at Forest Oaks Country Club in Greensboro. 

Martha reminded their friends and family of the "bug" she caught 7 decades ago while Ed reaffirmed his love for his bride of 70 years. 

As roughly half of all marriages find themselves ending with divorce.

Martha and Ed remind us all that the love bug always seems to find a way.

Even if they had to do it all over again.

"Maybe change a few things. Yeah, I guess so. Like he said, probably change a few things," the couple said.

Creating those picture-perfect memories that will last a lifetime and making this love, a bug, worth catching.

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