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Ever wonder why some sunsets are better than others?

Sunsets are a beloved natural phenomenon enjoyed by all. However, have you ever wondered what makes some sunsets better?

COLUMBIA, South Carolina — Weather plays a crucial role in creating a sunset. Cirrus clouds, for instance, produce more pastel shades of pink and orange, while cumulus clouds are more vibrant and intense.

As the sun begins to set, light must pass through more of the Earth's atmosphere, which scatters the shorter, blue wavelengths of light, leaving behind the longer, reddish and orange wavelengths that give sunsets their warm glow.

Credit: WLTX

The amount of moisture and dust particles in the air can also impact the beauty of a sunset. By scattering and reflecting light, these particles act as filters, creating a more colorful display.

Lastly, the time of year can also affect the quality of a sunset. Sunsets tend to be more vibrant and intense during the cooler months, when the air is drier and clearer.

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