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Helping pets cope with storms

Blanca Cobb talks about how pets can help us and we can can help them during severe weather.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — After a big storm, it's not just people who need extra love and support. Our furry friends can also feel stress. We're talking about how pets can help kids cope and heal in the aftermath.

Pets provide unconditional love and support. Having a pet can give a child a sense of comfort and security. Kids often feel a strong connection with their pets, which can help them process their emotions. And children can help pets just as much through hugs, pets, and attention.

Encourage kids to spend quality time with their pets. Activities like grooming, playing, or simply cuddling can strengthen their bond. It's also important to maintain regular pet care routines, even in the midst of chaos. This provides a sense of normalcy for both the child and the pet.

Open communication is key. Let kids express their feelings about the storm and how it might have affected their pets. Reassure them that you're taking care of their pet and that everything will be okay. If the pet seems distressed, consult with a veterinarian for guidance.

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