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LOOK UP: Three planets to see in the sky Tuesday night

Three planets and the moon will be visible the next couple of nights.
Credit: WFMY

GREENSBORO, N.C. — There may be a lot to complain about with the recent time change, but those earlier sunsets are making for a great opportunity to stargaze the next couple of nights.

About an hour after sunset will be prime time for viewing three planets close to the moon. Look up in the southwest sky and you'll see the waxing crescent moon, meaning more of the moon will become illuminated as it moves toward the full moon stage in the next few weeks. To the right of the moon will be the planet Venus. Then, if you focus your view on more of the southern sky, you'll see Saturn and Jupiter up and to the left of the moon.

Credit: WFMY

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The best viewing time will be from sunset to about an hour or so afterward. Under a clear sky Tuesday night, they'll be easy to spot, but more clouds could obscure the view after then. 

Venus will be to the right of the moon and actually will become easier to see throughout the month of November. According to EarthSky.com, the view will improve, because Venus will appear higher in the western sky due to the earth's movement around the sun, as the angle shifts upward.

This is easily seen with the naked eye, but a good camera with good zoom capability or a telescope will really enhance the view. Go take a look!

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