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Why experts are saying to leave fireworks to the professionals this year

With North Carolina experiencing a drought with no end in sight, will it be safe for those July fireworks in these dry conditions?

GREENSBORO, N.C. — As you’ve noticed, it’s scorching, but it’s not just hot, it’s bone dry.

"The beige area, which is the triad proper in points north and east. All of that now in a moderate drought. We're not expecting much rain in the next week, this could get worse," pointed out WFMY News 2's meteorologist Eric Chilton.

Obviously, next week is July 4th. That means flammable things like fireworks and sparklers coming out of the box, but hold on to those for one second.

Overall, we're encouraging people just to refrain from that activity, go to a sanctioned event where professionals are handling the fireworks," declared James Holt from the North Carolina Forestry Service.

Holt, who has experienced his fair share of wildfires, says conditions are ripe for something to go wrong.

“Historically, we have seen the month of June being very dry, though it's uncommon. When I walk around outside and I hear the grass crunching underneath my feet, it's more like August than it is June. You know, we went from a fairly wet spring, a cool spring, and then the shock of, you know, these extreme temperatures. And this, you know, I heard a term, a flash drought coined a few years ago," said Holt.

That drought can be a real concern when handling anything like fireworks, even safely.

"Of course, we encourage people to make sure those fireworks are legal if they're sparklers only adults are handling those and then they're in areas, you know, concrete cul-de-sacs areas where the fire, you know, cannot ignite, you know, fuels that are close by and just be as cautious as they can have buckets of water available if they do choose to do that," Holt said.

However, if you do want to participate in your own fireworks, be safe and know the legality in North Carolina.

“Make sure that it doesn’t leave the ground, that nothing spins, or that nothing goes over a certain sound decibel... A lot of the fireworks that you will see will be miscellaneous fountains, lots of novelties like the things you played with you were a kid, sparklers, pop-its," said one TNT tent manager in Greensboro, Arielle.

So, however you choose to celebrate, remember to celebrate safely.

Click here for a list of legal fireworks to use in the state of North Carolina.

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