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Pollen levels are on the rise!

With the start of spring just around the corner, you may already be have allergies
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GREENSBORO, N.C. — Feeling itchy, sneezy or having a runny nose? Maybe you have already started your allergy medication. Most of you may already be feeling the impacts of pollen even though spring hasn't technically begun (even if it feels like it has)! 

Tree pollen season is here now

With allergies, most of us think of spring. We are in pollen season right now and have been for about a month already. Tree pollen will continue to fly in our sky between now and May. 

Even though most of our cars aren't yellow-greenish yet, we are going to start to see that soon. That pollen is usually pine pollen which hasn't quite gotten started yet. Just because things aren't yellow doesn't mean pollen isn't in the air. It already is. 

While tree pollen is the biggest pollen type that we see, there are many other kinds. 

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Pollen season is actually most of the year!

In the Triad, pollen allergies can be an issue year-round though more commonly in the spring and fall. The height of pollen season often lies in April, May and September when the air contains a variety of pollen types. 

As we approach spring, our main concern is tree pollen. Pollen comes from all different types of trees: oak, pine, birch, etc. Wind can very easily carry it for miles. The last few weeks, tree pollen has been in the moderate to even high range, meaning many-to-most individuals with any sensitivity will experience symptoms.

Credit: WFMY News 2

The other two main types of pollen are grass and ragweed.  As tree pollen season winds down, grass pollen season takes hold especially through the summer. Examples of grass pollen include ryegrass and Bermuda grass. Then, as fall comes around, ragweed becomes the prominent pollen generator and continues through the end of the season. 

Credit: WFMY News 2

How weather impacts pollen

Pollen counts vary depending on the season and weather conditions. In warm, dry & windy weather, pollen tends to travel further and affect more individuals and cause symptoms. On the other hand, cold and wet weather is commonly tied with lower pollen levels. Another note: pollen is typically higher in the morning hours. Temperatures, rain, and wind all play a significant role in the amount and transfer of pollen. 

For the latest check on the pollen level, head on over to this link.


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