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Spooky attractions at the Greensboro Science Center

With Halloween around the corner, the Greensboro Science Center features some of its scarier critters.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Of course, we are into that time of year when we watch scary movies, go to haunted houses, and do anything to send a few chills down our spine and the folks at the Greensboro Science Center will not be outdone. They took our Eric Chilton on a tour of some of the creepier critters they have there.

"We are starting with the Madagascar hissing cockroach," said Audrey Stallings of the Science Center, "They have these little openings on their sides that when threatened will push air through the holes to send an audible warning to any potential predators. They can grow to about three inches long. They are huge."

That's just one of many creepy crawlies you can check out.

"Next up is the rat snake," continued Stallings, "There are a lot of people who are not fans of snakes but these aren't much of a threat to people. They are known to eat rats, mice, and in some cases birds and their eggs. These are found right here in North Carolina and can grow up to 6.5 feet long."

And the last thing they showed us was the most unusual. The naked mole rat.

"These guys are found in Africa. There are about 14 of them in our enclosure here. You can see them kicking around," said Stallings, "They are almost totally blind. Scent is very important to them. They operate like bees. They have a queen and worker rats. They are new at the science center."

If you're interested in any of these or their other creepy animals like the giant millipede check out the science center's website.

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