GREENSBORO, N.C. — It's time for 'My 2 Cents.'
I have a lot to say to the haters and negative Nancy's and Nelly's. I'll just say this. STOP. We don't need that right now.
You know the people I'm talking about. The ones who post comments like this on my friends and co-worker's Facebook page, "Congratulations on lying to the people and reading the teleprompter."
Or send us emails about a dress worn on tv calling it, "tasteless," and telling us we, "are supposed to represent decency and respect."
Comments and messages like this are regular occurrences with this job and expected at this point. Which is sad but reality.
I respect that everyone has different opinions and I know feedback comes with the territory but I think the problem is that people think they press send on a comment and it flies off into cyberspace where nobody sees it. It's some kind of cathartic venting that allows them to blow of steam.
They either don't know or don't care that REAL people read these mean things and are affected by them. So allow me to clear that up, we see them and it doesn't make us feel good.
Feedback is welcome. Rudeness is not. Comments are great. Trolling is bad.
And let me just say, negative commenters, even though they've become more common, are still the minority. There are nice comments and they are appreciated.
We all live in this community together and we all want to connect. But words and comments carry a lot of meaning.
So today, I'll leave you with this - be kind to other people.