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Lessons learned from Dr. King: Youday!

Coach LaMonte explains what Dr. King taught him as an African American man.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — As a Black man, I can recall many lessons that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught me.

Dr. King taught me to war with my words and not with my hands. He taught me that peace is my greatest weapon partnered with love that would make me dangerous.

Through his teachings, I’ve learned a man’s responsibility is to his God, to his family, and to his purpose.

Dr. King taught me I can march with my feet, but my mind will always go before me, he taught me that every room I enter in should be honored that I am there, and that I have the right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness.

He taught me at times, others may not agree with what I stand and say, but they will respect me.

Dr. King taught me as a Black man, I should be proud of who I am and appreciate those who went before me.

He taught me to step up and tell the world, I am a man, and no one can tell me otherwise.

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