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1,000 Pound Pig Escapes From Massachusetts Farm

A one-thousand-pound pig escaped a Massachusetts farm on Friday, and ended up in someone's front lawn.


A one-thousand-pound pig escaped a Massachusetts farm on Friday, and ended up in someone's front lawn.

It was a strange call to begin with, but what Georgetown Police Officer Henry Olshefsky says he found, was shocking.

Olshefsky says police received a call for a loose pig. He says he didn't know what to expect. In his mind, he says, he was thinking it was probably a small pot belly pig or a pet.

What Olshefsky saw was a huge pig, a one-thousand-pound pig, to be exact, hanging out in Julia Gagne's front lawn.

Olshefsky says because it's a small town, police were able to find someone, who knew someone, who knew someone, where the pig lived.

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Owner Frank Martino says the pig's name is Bruno, and that Bruno's somewhat famous in the town.

Martino admitted containing Bruno has been a struggle. Martino says Bruno has escaped three or four other times since he was a baby.

The owner says he'll have to work on better securing Bruno in the future.

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