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Put Your Pillowcase In The Freezer. Really. It Will Help You Sleep Better!

When it's THIS hot, you need some FREE ways to be cool while you sleep (because turning your air down costs money!)

Most people need it to be between 60 and 68 degrees with 40% to 60% humidity to get a good nights sleep. Outside of that sleep quality plummets. 

So try what we did if it's ever too hot to sleep; Put your pillowcases in a plastic bag and stick them in the freezer. Really. It will make it like the cool side of the pillow, right from the very start!

Usually we all like hot showers, but at the end of the shower-- turn it to the cool side. It will lower your body temperature. 

And make sure you stay hydrated!  Warm temperatures make you thirsty which can wake you up in the middle of the night for a glass of water. Drinking enough water can limit sleep interruptions. 

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