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North Carolina lawmakers weigh in on U.S. strike that killed top Iranian military commander

Many in Washington are split on the decision to eliminate Qassem Soleimani. Here's how lawmakers from our state are reacting.

NORTH CAROLINA, USA — President Donald Trump ordered a military strike that killed the top Iranian military commander, Qassem Soleimani. He's been considered an enemy of America for nearly 20 years. Almost every U.S. lawmaker agrees his death "makes the world a better place", but there's some debate over how the decision will affect America's future in the Middle East.

Here's how North Carolina lawmakers reacted to the strike and Soleimani's death:

U.S. Representative Mark Walker (R): NC 6th District

"Soleimani was a brutal terrorist at the top of a terrorist organization and was in Iraq encouraging violence against U.S. troops. He was a major force behind the death of U.S. soldiers and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees. The world is safer with him gone."

U.S. Representative Ted Budd (R): NC 13th District

"Qassem Soleimani was the head of Iran's Quds force and directed terrorism against America, Israel, and our allies in the region. He had the blood of American soldiers on his hands. We all should be glad he is gone. This is a victory for freedom over terrorism."

U.S Representative Virginia Foxx (R): NC 5th District

"Yesterday, the United States sent a clear reminder to Iran -- and to the entire world -- that attacks against Americans or the United States will result in nothing less than justice. Let's be clear, Qassem Soleimani was a ruthless terrorist who murdered countless Americans and incited violence against our country. I want to thank President Trump, our military, and the intelligence community, for taking decisive action."

U.S. Senator Richard Burr (R-NC)

"Qassem Soleimani was the personification of a state sponsor of terrorism. At his direction, hundreds of American servicemen were killed and thousands more injured. At his urging, U.S. allies were attacked repeatedly and undermined by Iran's Quds Force and their proxies...Iran and the Iranian people can now turn away from Soleimani's murderous adventurism, redirect the Quds Force's money into Iran's economy, bring home the troops Soleimani sent abroad, and move forward toward building a more peaceful region."

U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC)

"We've taken out a top terrorist who has done Iran's bidding across the world. Soleimani is responsible for hundreds of American lives and the lives of others fighting for freedom in the region. I appreciate President Donald Trump's resolve and I think it was an appropriate action."

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