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October 17th is National Bosses Day, the perfect time to thank the ones leading your office

Every year employees across the United States show their appreciation and thankfulness to their bosses for their treatment throughout the year.

Every year on October 17th employees across the United States recognize their hardworking bosses overseeing the workplace. It's the best time to show  appreciation and thankfulness to your bosses.

A great way to strengthen a relationship with an employee is for a boss to match their employee’s strength to a given position, role, or job where they can have the most success. Or, perhaps, the boss sees potential in a new role for the employee. With support and training, the employee has a greater chance of success. Employees who feel that their boss recognizes their talents and value tend to become vested in the boss and the company.

Communication between a boss and an employee can be problematic when the other doesn’t feel heard and understood. Many times, you listen to speak, not to understand. Ask questions to understand the situation better because it will decrease assumptions. Many times assumptions can lead you to wrong conclusions.

Here are a couple of tips for a better relationship with the boss. When it comes to getting your boss’s attention, it often boils down to timing. If they’re in the middle of something or their mind is on something else, they can’t focus on you. An effective way to get time with your boss is to ask for 30 minutes uninterrupted, which increases the likelihood of getting their undivided attention. If you’re wondering how to talk to your boss about career advancement and a raise, here’s a suggestion. Talking about goals for the company, even a new goal, and how you can help the company achieve the goals makes it easier to tie in your career advancement as part of that process.

Share your thoughts on my Facebook page: Blanca Cobb – Body Language Expert. Write a message on my timeline, and I’ll get back to you. While you’re on my page, I’d appreciate it if you give my page a “like.”

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