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Wet 'N Wild, AAU Junior Olympics prepared for extreme heat Friday

Many people attended Wet 'N Wild in hopes of cooling down.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — A lot of people headed out to Wet N Wild on Friday to escape the high heat outside. 

Wet N Wild, Emerald Pointe makes sure parkgoers and staff are cool in and out of the water, even Guilford County EMS ramped up efforts at the AAU junior Olympics to help mitigate heat-related problems. 

"Heat is something that really affects all of us," said Scott Muthersbaugh with Guilford County EMS.

Aquatics Manager and EMT at the park said they see a lot of heat-related calls. 

Brittani Donley said, "Mostly just feeling faint, a little dizzy, lightheaded all of those things and then we bring them back here and take care of them.”

Wet N Wild, Emerald Pointe and Guilford County EMS are taking a few extra precautions to make sure the fun continues this summer without a trip to the hospital. 

"Typically run a set of vitals to make sure everything is within normal limits and then we provide treatment from there. We have cool ice packs on all of your pressure points back of your neck under your arms. We provide water and just kind of a cool place to rest and recuperate. Occasionally we provide a PB&J if they haven't eaten," said Donley. 

In addition to the pools and fun attractions, the park said they make sure they take precautions for any situation that may wash up.

Water fountains are located in every bathroom and first aid area. Lifeguards also have water accessible to them when they need it. 

Guilford County Emergency Services said they are heat-prepared as well, and offer advice when the sun is beating down.

Muthersbaugh said, “I feel that we saw the heat start a lot sooner this year. That’s one of the things that stood out to us was, it’s not even just that it’s hotter than usual, but it started a lot earlier than we expected.”

Some advice to avoid heat-related illness? 

Muthersbaugh said, “Staying hydrated is one of the biggest things that we can see. Things like wearing loose-fitting clothing, wearing light-colored clothing. If you feel like you’re getting to that point where it is a concern remove yourself from the situation and take a break."

Guilford County EMS set up a treatment tent at the AAU Junior Olympics to help people who need it. 

Thursday, they treated 55 patients. 

Wet N Wild said they have two EMTs there on a daily basis.

Guilford County EMS says heat-related illnesses can happen to anyone… it wants to urge everyone that if you start to lose consciousness, have heart issues, or stop sweating altogether, it's time to call 911. 

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