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How to control stink bugs and ants in your home as temperatures rise

A mild winter doesn't just mean shorter sleeves it also means an early return of pests.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Many folks have been enjoying the warm temperatures we've experienced over the past couple of weeks. A mild winter doesn't just mean shorter sleeves it also means an early return of pests.

Jordan Myers is the area district manager of McNeely Pest Control in Greensboro.
He says we can expect to soon see an explosion of ants, stink bugs, and termites.

“Ants, that's going to be the number one thing that people start noticing early because they are social insects,” Myers said. “They live in a colony, and they typically survive in the Winter. So, they're going to be out trying to find some food, better harborage, or water.

Myers recommends taking precautions to keep spring pests out of your home. This includes:

  • Sealing cracks around the exterior of doors and windows
  • Removing extra foliage around the house
  • Cleaning out clutter

“Everybody is familiar with the phrase spring cleaning,” Myers said. “Going through stuff, limiting little places they can harbor like you've got a garage with a bunch of boxes you have stored. Mice can get in those. Especially during the Wintertime when it first started getting cold back in November and December.”

Myers says you can also call a professional to come out and treat your home. 


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