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Two Box Seat servers perform CPR on overdose patient, help save his life

Sydney Kearns and Kaitlyn King quickly jumped into action to save a man's life Wednesday.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — If you've worked in the food business, you know servers carry a lot of responsibility.

A pair of Triad servers recently added lifesaver - to their roles.

Sydney Kearns and Kaitlyn King are servers at Box Seat on West Gate City Boulevard in Greensboro. 

They said it was just 15 minutes before the restaurant opened when they saw a car pull into the driveway. 

They didn't think anything of it - until they saw the man in the passenger seat was unconscious. 

That's when Kearns, who is also a CNA, jumped in to help the man and started performing CPR. 

"His face was really pale, and like started to turn yellow. It was really devastating, but immediately, I just knew what to do, and I just started giving him CPR, and I was out there for a good minute before anybody came out there," Kearns said. 

King saw what was happening outside and ran out to help her coworker.

"When you're not prepared for it, when you're going in to just serve people food for your job, you don't expect to give CPR to a random person. So I jumped in, I straightened out his body, tried checking for a pulse, and just held his head like she instructed me to because like I said, she had experience and just encouraged her through that process the entire time," King said. 

Guilford EMS confirmed they responded to an overdose call at that address Wednesday. 

Now, the two servers and their General Manager hope others take something away from what happened. 

"It's very emotional thinking about this. But me and her did something very, very big yesterday, and we saved this man's life. Whether he will remember us or not. He has no idea who we are. And that's okay because God knows, and we were able to save somebody's life yesterday," said Kearns. 

General Manager Destiny Rogers says she's blessed to have employees like these. 

"I think it's great that people have other experiences other than just a server job. Kaitlyn learned CPR at a young age, and in high school as a teenager, and it was something that she never really had to use until yesterday. Sydney has CNA experience, she's worked in a hospital. She has experience giving CPR, so she knew exactly what to do in the right moment," Rogers said. 

So far this year, Greensboro Police has responded to 592 overdoses. 

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