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Traveling for 4th of July? Find out the best tips for travel

Triple A forecasts 2.2 million North Carolinians will travel during this week for July 4th

GREENSBORO, N.C. — This July 4th Holiday will be a busy one for travelers.

AAA forecasts 2.2 million North Carolinians will travel for Independence Day setting new records.

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Here are three travel hacks to help your trip go off  without a hitch! 

1. Plan Ahead

Map out your time meaning make sure you set enough time aside to leave for your destination whether that be on the road or flying.

2. Flexibility is Key

Try taking off a day earlier from work for travel that way it gives you and your family time to plan for the uneventful.

3. Avoid peak travel times

AAA says if you can avoid the afternoon and early evening times those are when you are going to see heavy congestions.

"Typically those rush hours times so if you can avoid those maybe your travel plans allow you to leave early morning or late in the evening that is when you are going to see the least amount of traffic," said Tiffany Wright, Director of Public Affairs with AAA- Auto Club Group. 

Wright says drivers will see the most congestion around big metro areas and attractions like theme parks. If you plan to travel by car you'll want to know about gas prices. As of this morning the average price of gas is sitting at $3.50, according to GasBuddy

"When we see the oil market go up gas prices tend to follow but right now we are paying about four to five pennies above this time last year but we may see a little bit of an uptick as demand increases," said Wright. 

And if you plan to get a head start on your travel, Wright encourages you to fill up the tank way before the time you hit the road. 

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Before You Leave, Check This Out