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The IRC says it will continue its 24/7 services amid financial concerns

The Board Chair says the center needs nearly $600,000 to keep the 24/7 Drop-in Center running as is.


The Interactive Resource Center is drafting a short term plan for improvements.

IRC Board Chair Jim King said it desperately needs city council to approve their plan to get $600,000. 

If not, he told us the center could be in the red in less than two months if it continues to run as is.  

But city council first wants a 30-60-90 day plan to address a surge in 911 calls there, before making decisions about the money. 

"The last thing we ever want to do is be in a position where we have to reduce services or close our doors," Board Chair Jim King shared.

Recently the community came forward with concerns about safety, violence and littering at and near the IRC.

 King said the board's first draft includes stricter rules for who will be allowed in.  

  "We are going to start implementing an updated code of conduct," he explained. 

The short term plan also includes adding more security, staff and a K-9 on site.  

The center said it plans to improve trash clean-up.    

"The 30 day is really addressing more of the immediate concerns, the safety, the security issues," King said, "We are trying to address the trash not only on our property but adjacent." 

Chair King said the 60-90 day plan lays out improvements and long term solutions for the 30-day period. He told us the center has helped 67% more people in the past year. 

 City leaders stress the IRC is not facing closure, they just want improvements to be made.  

IRC leaders plan to present the finalized version on Tuesday, then the city council will vote on it two days later. 


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