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Keep your A/C running: Change your air filters

Air filters seem like such a small thing, but really, they can restrict or allow airflow, which is important.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — When extreme heat is in the forecast, you want to be able to get relief at home with your air conditioning. Which means you need to be good to your A/C system. 

"A dirty filter is a common problem for window and central ACs. It restricts the airflow, which reduces the AC's ability to cool the room," said Chris Reagan, Consumer Reports. 


Before you pay for a service call, clean or replace the filter. Window units typically have a reusable filter that you'll need to vacuum gently and then wash with soap and water about once a month during peak periods.
When it comes to central A/C systems, replace filters every three to six months. If you have a pet, you'll need to do it more like every 30 days, thanks to their hair.

"One of the biggest causes for breakdowns is airflow and if the system is not able to able to properly breathe. You'll notice the system is not going to run properly.  It's kinda like your car. If you're driving and a bag flies up and gets stuck on your radiator you'll start to notice your car will run hot, it's the same thing with the air conditioning system," said Brandon Fisher, VP of HVAC Services, Berico. 

What kind of air filter should you buy? I've heard experts say to catch the most stuff you need the filters with a tighter weave, the reinforcements, and that are more expensive. But two weeks ago, my A/C technician told me I should buy the wider weave, cheaper filters. He said all the stuff caught in the expensive filters keeps the air from flowing and my A/C was working harder. 

 My recommendation is to call the company that services your system and ask, it could save you money. 


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