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Space Heaters: Plug directly into the wall, never use an extension cord or power strip.

The voltage a space heater needs is more than a cord or a strip can handle.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Space heaters need to be plugged into the wall, not an extension cord and not a power strip-- even if it's a heavy-duty one.

Extension cords and strips are not designed to handle the high electric current of a space heater. That strip or cord gets overheated and melts and that's when the fire starts. 

Just this week a Graham man lost his home after firefighters say a space heater plugged into a power strip started a fire and the Christmas tree and presents were added fuel.

RELATED: Space heater fire destroys Graham house, firefighters say

“We want to keep them away from anything that might be combustible. We want to make sure we keep those three feet away we want to make sure we shut them off when we go to bed at night or leave the room,” said a firefighter.

Space heaters can be safe, but they have to be used the right way:

Always plug heaters directly into a wall outlet.

Keep objects at least 3 feet away, that is beds, curtains, the Christmas tree, and your laundry basket. You need a three-foot circle around the heater.

If you're not in the room, shut your space heater off. Don't leave it on to keep the space warm.  

Statistics show space heaters are involved in one-third of all home heating fires. But the number one cause of home fires is....

“Unattended cooking is the number one cause under the cooking fires  & we see that most with shift people. They work a second shift they come home, they're hungry, they're tired and they put the food on the stove and then they fall asleep,” said  Theresa Knops of the Winston-Salem Fire Department.

Got a fire on the stove?

What you want to do is find a pot lid or a cookie sheet cover the pot and then turn off the heat. 

What you don't want to do is pour water on the pot fire, especially if it's a grease fire. Water just causes a flash over and makes the flames spread. 

Protect your home with the Stove Top Firestop.

2 Wants To Know, with the help of the fire department, tested out the Stove Top Firestop. The device has a magnet and it attaches to the hood of the stove. When it senses the flame, it releases a special powder to douse the flames. A pair of Stove Top Firestop goes for about $60.

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