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Triple Threat: Ragsdale triplets graduate in the top 25% of their class

The three played different sports on varsity teams, but what's their advice for keeping good academics?

JAMESTOWN, N.C. — It's a graduation story you have to see.

Most parents will see one child walk across the stage at graduation, but for a Guilford County family, there are three taking those major steps, at the same time.

This week, Anderson, Davis, and Riley Froysell graduate from Ragsdale High School. 

What makes them a unique bunch isn't just the fact that they are triplets but rather the fact that all three of them are in the top 25% for academics in their graduating class.

The three played different sports on varsity teams, but what's their advice for keeping good academics?

"For me, don't be afraid to miss a practice or two to catch up with your school work," said Anderson Froysell. "That's what I would do. When I knew I was behind in my schoolwork, I would send my coach a text message and say, 'Hey I can't make the practice,' and most high school coaches understand that fact."

"You can go have as much fun as you want in sports, but if you are failing those classes and not getting caught up on homework, you should prioritize that, and you should go to tutors at the school," said Riley Froysell.

"Academics over sports, of course," said Davis. 

Playing sports allowed them to be individuals at school, but at home, they came together. 

They said taking the same classes allowed them to help teach each other the lessons they were learning. 

"We stayed to our own little friend groups because we all play a bunch of different sports," said Riley Froysell.

"My friends would give me the inside scoop on Riley and Davis and what they were up to if I didn't have the chance to see them in the hallway or something, and we also help each other in classes," said Anderson Froysell.

"Yeah, someone might have taken that class or is already taking it, so we can help each other out in that aspect," said Davis Froysell.

The success will only continue. 

Anderson plans to major in criminology at NC State with the goal of working for the FBI.

Davis plans to major in finance at UNC-Charlotte and hopes to work on Wall Street.

Riley also is going to UNC-Charlotte, majoring in marketing with hopes of working for NASCAR.

While it will split the trio up, they said they look forward to becoming who they are supposed to be. 

"I am a little excited to get away from everybody, but I'll see them during the holidays," Riley laughed.

"I think it will be kinda nice not everyone knowing each other and the teacher is not knowing you come in three," said Anderson. "It's like your identity isn't based on your last name, if that makes sense."

The triplets agree their parents might be a little sad during graduation but know they will throw a party when they move out. 

After asking the parents, they agreed and said they look forward to rest and relaxation. 

I also asked their parents how they felt about having three kids in college at one time. They said if the universities can feed them with what they are paying for meal plans, then they're saving lots of money on groceries.

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