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WFMY News 2 helps daughter get a check for dad's life insurance policy

Turner Reavis spent almost half his life working at one company. At some point, he took out a life insurance policy. Collecting on that policy wasn't simple.

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — Turner Reavis was a man of many talents. The Air Force veteran enjoyed woodworking, golf, and gardening.

“He really was a jack of all trades,” his daughter Terry Rumburg said.

Her dad was 88-years-old when he died, 65 of those years he was married to Rumburg’s mother. The couple never strayed too far from North Carolina.

“He still lived in the same house he and my mom built when I was 10 years old,” Rumburg said.

After his time in the Air Force Reavis took a job at Hanes Brands. He apparently liked it enough to work there for more than 40 years.

“He would tell all these stories of things that happened at Hanes, and old friends, he just loved to talk,” Rumburg said.

After he retired and a few years before he died, he made sure Rumburg and her sister knew he had a life small life insurance policy with the company.

“He tried to make us aware of different things,” Rumburg said.

After he died Rumburg reached out to Hanes Brands to let them know he had died and to see what was needed to collect on the policy.

“(A representative) told me everything I would need to send, and I got it all together and sent it,” Rumburg said. “I said do you need anything else from me and she said no I have everything.”

Rumburg said a few weeks would pass before she reached back out to Hanes Brands to see what the status of the life insurance check was. Rumburg said she was told it was taking some time because people were working remotely.

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Some more time would pass and Rumburg said she called again. This time she said the lady she spoke with told her the check had been processed.

“(I waited) and I didn’t get a check, nothing came and then I finally called after it had been, I don’t know how many weeks,” Rumburg said.

After a couple more weeks passed without getting a check Rumburg said she called Hanes Brands again.

“I left a message and (a representative) never called back,” Rumburg said. “So, then I thought who do I call so I called HR and left a message and never got a callback, so then I called (News 2).”

By now Rumburg said it had been close to three months. We reached out to the company and spoke to a representative. A couple of days later Rumburg received a call from the same person we spoke with about the life insurance check.

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“She said that I was surprised when a reporter called me and I said sorry, but I felt like I wasn’t getting results,” Rumburg said.

It didn’t take long after that before Rumburg received the $2,000 life insurance check.

“When you said let me see what I can do to help out with this it was a wonderful feeling that’s all I can say, that’s the only way to describe it,” Rumburg said.

News 2 did reach back out to Hanes Brand to try and better understand what caused the delay. We were told that someone in the communications department would get back to us, but we never heard back.

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