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A review of the apartment complex rules and regulations paid off after a truck was towed

Rhonda Jones is not the type of person to sign a contract without reading it first. That quality paid off when the complex wouldn't help after her truck was towed.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Rhonda Jones was in a rush, and it was raining. Jones had just come home, and it was late at night. She drove to the parking lot of her complex to see if there were any handicapped spots open near the entrance.

“They are often full, especially at night,” Jones said.

In a hurry to get inside, Jones parked her red truck close to the front door against a curb. The next time she went to hop in the truck it was gone. Jones had parked in a no-parking zone and the truck was towed.

“(I was) very upset. $190. I’m already on a budget living in low-income,” Jones said.

Her frustration seemed a bit out of place. Jones admits she parked in the spot and there is clearly a no parking sign posted. There’s also a sign as you enter the lot that cars parked illegally can be towed.

“These people were wronging me,” Jones said.

Convinced she was in the right, Jones reached out to WFMY News 2 for help. After speaking with Jones to better understand what happened and looking over the rules and regulations at the complex, we discovered the parking policy.

Jones had done some investigating on her own and it appeared, based on the rules, her truck should not have been towed.

“They didn’t think I read the rules and regulations,” Jones said.

Regarding parking, vehicles that park in a no-parking zone will be given a warning the first time. The second offense will result in a $25 fine and the third time the vehicle will be towed.

Jones had never been warned about parking illegally, so based on the complex policy the truck should not have been towed. We contacted a representative with the complex and explained the situation. A short time later, Jones was reimbursed the $190.

“It makes me feel great because you guys investigated this for me,” Jones said.

Jones has since moved out of the complex, but you can be sure she read the rules and regulations at her new place.

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