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Mechanic shop puts a temporary oil plug in the car after an oil change, doesn't tell the customer

Danny Pope thought it was unusual that his car was shaking so much during the oil change. About 3,000 miles later he found out why.

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — Danny Pope is one of those who take the car to change the oil every 3,000 miles. If the sticker says it’s time to change the oil Pope doesn’t try and push it another 1,000 miles. 

While he usually goes to the same place every time, he didn’t on this occasion.

“I was sitting in the car (during the oil change) and noticed the car jerking and shaking a bit,” Pope said.

After a relatively short time, the technician said he was done, and Pope drove off. The car worked fine and once the 3,000 was up Pope again took it in to change the oil. This time he took it to his usual mechanic.

“I went back to my original mechanic, and he asked me who did the last oil change,” Pope said.

The mechanic asked because he noticed a temporary oil plug in the oil pan. Pope paid for a new pan and plug and then contacted the shop that changed the oil the last time.

“I immediately went back to first place showed him a temporary plug and told him about it,” Pope said. “I thought they did me wrong by not telling me (about the temporary plug), I think they were trying to put one over on me.”

Pope said he spoke with a manager and was told the company would investigate the matter and get back to him. Pope said he waited about a month but did not hear back. He then gave the repair shop a deadline to respond and make things right.

“I gave them a deadline of 5 pm on a Friday, I didn’t hear anything, so I contacted you guys,” Pope said.

We contacted the general manager a couple of days later to find out what happened. That call seemed to have made a difference because two days later the shop called Pope. The manager told him to come in and they’d pay to replace the oil pan and plug.

“(WFMY News 2) came through and did right,” Pope said.

Pope said it wasn’t about the money but the principal and that he’s glad the shop acknowledged what took place and paid to have a new pan and plug installed.

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