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Oak Ridge couple calls News 2 after refund on recliners takes almost three months

Martha Robinson was excited to get the new chairs for herself and her husband. The wrong chairs were delivered and the ones she wanted were out of stock.

OAK RIDGE, N.C. — Martha and Gilbert Robinson were in the market for reclining chairs. The couple is getting older and wanted something easy to get in and out of that also provides good support.

“My husband is having some knee problems so I assumed he would need one before too long,” Martha Robinson said.

They found a couple of chairs they liked and ordered them. A few months later, the chairs were delivered. The delivery men carried them inside, but Martha Robinson quickly realized a problem.

“We got the wrong ones. They ordered the wrong chairs for us,” Martha Robinson explained.

They left the chairs and the delivery driver told them to call the company to get it worked out. Martha Robinson called the next day to explain the mix-up.

“The lady admitted she ordered the wrong chairs. She tried (to get the correct chairs) but said they [were] no longer in stock,” Martha Robinson said.

With the chairs they wanted no longer available, Martha Robinson asked for a refund. The total amount they paid was close to $3,800. About a month later, the refund never came. Martha Robinson called every few weeks, but it didn’t seem to make a difference.

She would eventually reach out to us. One of the first things we asked her was why she decided to call us.

“About the fifth time, I was told it would be two weeks, and I’d get my delivery. I decided to call (News 2),” Martha Robinson said.

We contacted the company a few days later and spoke with a representative. We explained the issue and told the representative it has been almost three months since the Robinsons were told they’d be getting a refund.

The representative told us she would investigate the situation and call us back. About a week later, we received a call that the refund check had been sent out. A couple of days later, a check for $3,800 arrived at the Robinson house.

“I felt like it was the greatest thing in the world. You got it done when [it] had been months and couldn’t get it done,” Martha Robinson said.

The refund money was used to buy two different chairs and it’s a good thing they got the money when they did because one of those chairs was almost as much as the other two.


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