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Mailbox mess has a Greensboro couple seeing double while watching packages delivered to the wrong address

For 10 years, Roger Jarrell couldn't find anything about his house to complain about —everything was perfect. All that changed when his neighbor moved his mailbox.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — About 14 years ago, Roger Jarrell and his wife decided to move into a smaller home. The couple found a beautiful two-story home in Greensboro. The house however wasn’t exactly small.

“As you can see, we didn’t exactly downsize,” Jarrell said.

While they didn’t downsize, Jarrell and his wife loved everything about the home. The style, the architecture, the area, and their neighbors.

“I love everything about this place,” Jarrell said.

For the first 10 years, you wouldn’t hear a single complaint from Jarrell about the home or neighborhood. Unfortunately, his perfect place developed a duplicating problem in the form of a neighbor’s address.

Jarrell’s home is at 4700 Edinborough Road and his neighbor’s address is also 4700 but the house is on Middleton Drive. While it may be a bit odd, there was never really a problem until his neighbor petitioned the post office to move the mailbox from the front of the house to the driveway side.

The front of the house is on Middleton Drive, but the driveway is off Edinborough. Once approved, the neighbor put up a new mailbox on Edinborough, about 300 feet from Jarrell’s mailbox.

“It’s confusing for people,” Jarrell said.

While it wasn’t a problem for the postal service, several other delivery companies would routinely mix up the locations. The numbers were the same and with both mailboxes being on Edinborough Road you can imagine the problems.

“(The mailbox) should be in the front of the house which is where it was when we moved in,” Jarrell said.

With two mailboxes on the same street, Jarrell said it confused family, friends, and maintenance workers. He realized the lawn guy was late one day, so he went outside to check.

“He was down at 4700 Middleton Drive refurbishing their lawn,” Jarrell said.

Jarrell said he tried talking with the neighbor about moving the mailbox back to the front of the house on Middleton Drive, but his neighbor refused. The postal service did make sure the mailbox had the street name on it, but it was half the size of the numbers so many people were still going to the wrong address.

“It was incredibly frustrating,” Jarrell said.

After Jarrell reached out to us, we went by his house and the neighbor’s house. Turns out his neighbor was in the process of selling the home. A sign in the front yard had the real estate agent’s name and phone number.

We reached out to the postal service but figured our best option may be to contact the realtor. We explained the situation and asked if he might ask the new owners if they’d consider moving the mailbox back to the front of the house on Middleton Drive.

The real estate agent said he would ask the new owners but couldn’t make any promises.

About a month or so later, Jarrell called WFMY News 2 to let us know the mailbox on Edinborogh Road had been removed and a new mailbox on Middleton was installed.

“I really appreciate what you guys do, I really do I appreciate it, thank you,” Jarrell said.

The new mailbox has been up for a couple of months now and Jarrell said he hasn’t had a single problem since.


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