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Winston-Salem homeowner turns to WFMY News 2 after house floods three times

Having your house flood once is bad enough, but when it happens a second and then a third time something has to change. Willa Benton needed help and called us.

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — Willa Benton is the kind of person that makes you smile. She’s upbeat, kind, and considerate. Benton is often thinking about others even when she’s having a bad day.

In the last 10 years, Benton has certainly had her share of highs and lows. In 2012, she bought her house but three times since the purchase, the house has flooded.

“It (water) was coming in through the washroom. Water just everywhere,” Benton said.

The floors were damaged and so was a lot of her furniture. One flood is bad enough but three in the same house will make the most optimistic person have a few negative thoughts.

“I don’t want to leave (the house) but if I keep getting flooded, and don’t get the help, it will force me out,” Benton said.

The house is at the bottom of a small hill and on days when it rains, a lot of the water just pours down her driveway onto the porch and into the backyard.

‘It’s like a river back there; you could fish in it,” Benton said.

Bento said she reached out to the builder and others involved with the home, but it hasn’t seemed to help.

“My sister said why don’t you just call WFMY News 2 and see if they can help you,” Benton said.

A few days later, Benton called us and we contacted the folks involved with the construction and sale of the home. We explained the issue and were told someone would investigate the matter and get back to us.

A short time later, we were told a crew would be going out to the home to try and solve the problem. Not long after that, Benton said that a new drain was installed in the front yard and crews built a berm and a path for the water to flow through the backyard to a culvert on the side of the house.

“I got some help. You sure did. You sure helped me,” Benton said.

These days when it rains, Benton doesn’t worry or starts getting towels out to soak up the water that would often invade her home.

“I just appreciate you and God sending me to you, and you reaching out to them to help me get this resolved,” Benton said.

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