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A cell phone carrier provides $1,000 rebate after WFMY News 2 investigates

The old phone was traded in and she was supposed to receive $1,000, the problem is... she didn't.

GRAHAM, N.C. — Many have patiently waited for the best possible promotion before buying a new iPhone. 

Barbara Robbins-Davis was one of those people. 

When Robbins-Davis found a cell phone carrier offering $1,000 off a new iPhone she jumped at the opportunity.

“They didn’t have it in the store, so they shipped it to her two days later,” Robbins-Davis said.

The phone was for her daughter who was trading in her old phone as part of the rebate. Her daughter went to the store and gave them the old phone.

“The day she turned it in they didn’t give her paperwork, it felt strange, so I called (the company),” Robbins-Davis said.

A representative assured her everything was okay and that the credit for trading the phone in would be applied.

The first bill came a few weeks later and no credit was given. Robbins-Davis called the cell phone carrier, and a representative told her it may take a couple of billing cycles before the credit is applied.

“I thought okay that makes sense, I’ll wait,” Robbins-Davis said.

After two other monthly statements arrived and there still wasn’t any credit given Robbins-Davis called the carrier. The representative told Robbins-Davis they couldn’t locate the phone traded in which is why the credit was never applied.

At that point, Robbins-Davis reached out to WFMY News 2 for help.

“I thought, let me see if I can get someone else involved to help me,” Robbins-Davis said.

We were able to reach a regional executive with the cell phone company and explain the situation. A few days later we were assured Robbins-Davis would see the credit in her next statement. The representative was right, and Robbins-Davis received credit for the trade-in.

“I just really appreciate it, I don’t think I would have been here if you didn’t step in to help,” Robbins-Davis said.

The total refund was $1,000.

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