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Greensboro woman calls WFMY News 2 after internet and cell phone bill is way more than advertised

Lisa Marion was trying to bundle her internet, cable, and cell phone bills into one. The deal was perfect until she received her first bill.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Lisa Marion is like a lot of us — she’s always looking to save some money or stretch her dollars. So, when an opportunity came to bundle her internet service, cable, and cell phones, she jumped at the chance.

“We were offered a package. It was a bit more (money) but it offered more,” Marion said.

She signed up and was thrilled with the amount she would pay moving forward. Unfortunately, the first bill she received was a lot more than she was promised.

“I said, 'What is going on?', the bill was like $217,” Marion said.

Marion had signed up for a plan she was told would be less than $150. Once she received the bill, she immediately contacted customer service to see why her bill was so much. Marion said she called customer service on multiple occasions, but no one was able to assist her.

She would eventually email WFMY News 2 asking if we could help.

“I saw something about channel 2 (how they) help consumers, so I reached out,” Marion said.

We contacted a representative of the service provider and were told they would investigate the matter.

“I just want to get what was promised for promotion. The bill is not more than $150,” Marion said.

It didn’t take long before Marion received a call from the company, honoring the price Marion said she was quoted by the sales representative.

“He promised to give me the promotional deal and credited me with more than $350,” Marion said.

This case was certainly one of the fastest ones we’ve solved in the past few months. While relatively simple, it was important to Marion who was looking at an $80 increase every month if we couldn’t step in and resolve it.

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