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New Paint Schemed SUV's Will Have Greensboro Police Department Riding In Style!

According to Greensboro Police Information Officer Ron Glenn, Cheif Scott is the mastermind behind the new sleek design and color scheme.
Credit: Chris Wilson Twitter
New Greensboro Police SUV's

GREENSBORO, N.C. — The Greensboro Police Department is riding in style!

Pictures taken by Greensboro Assistant City Manager Chris Wilson shows off the new paint scheme of the Ford Explorer SUV.

According to Greensboro Police Information Officer Ron Glenn, Cheif Scott is the mastermind behind the new sleek design and paint scheme. 

The majority of the SUV is black, and just below the door handles on each door displays the Greensboro Police logo on top of a white background. 

The logo on top of the white background in tandem with the dark color of the overall SUV gives the perfect contrast and balance to it’s look!

Credit: Chris Wilson Twitter
New Greensboro Police SUV's

Since the SUV isn’t all one color it’s not too bland, and since the SUV has just one major accent (the logo over the white background), it’s not too over the top either.

The trim around the sporty SUV is also outlined in shiny black trim that gives it a nice pop!

Lastly but certainly not least, the SUV also sports black wheels which brings the entire look together.

According to Ron, the department is currently in the process of getting the new paint schemed SUV's, so it won't be long before you see more of them on the roads. 

Now that we have all the aesthetics out the way, wonder how fast the beauty can really go?!

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