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Just how 'civil' are you when you're talking about politics?

Even if you're not in the FB conversations, you see how people are talking to each other.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — With a second assassination attempt on former President Trump and the election season spinning closer to the end, it seems the political temperature has reached an all-time high in this country.


"We're at a temperature level we haven't seen since the late 60s. And to be honest, it feels worse to me than the late 60s because then it felt like it was just a few people that might be willing to resort to that. But the people that you're seeing now doing this don't really have a big dog in the fight. They're just mad and willing to shoot somebody over it," said Thom Little, UNCG Political Science Professor. 

What can help with the high temperature? Civility. Have you seen a civil conversation on Facebook lately?

The definition of civility is formal politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech. 

It doesn't say anywhere in the definition you have to agree with people.  The five principles of civility, laid out by the National Institute for Civil Discourse include:

Engaging in differences, not ignoring them.

Listening for understanding

Engaging with empathy and humility

Principled advocacy 

Looking for common ground

Let's give you an example for your next conversation... 

"I'm not listening to your argument. I'm listening for you to take a breath. So I can tell you the way it really is and that's what we're doing most of the time.  But if you change your mindset and you listen to really hear what they're saying. One good way to do that is to try to repeat it and say, do I understand you correctly? That this is what you're saying and try to do that," said Little. 

Listen for understanding. That's step one. The second most important pathway to civility is...

"When we go to the point where it's just name calling and we're no longer talking about the issue and again, you're no longer my opponent. Now, you're my mortal enemy who's trying to ruin the world as we know it.  And when you get to that point, there really is no way to come to any common ground," said Little. 


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