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'It's Just Not Looking Good' | Kristen McNeal's Mother Pleads For Answers 12 Days After Daughter Goes Missing

Barbara Smith believes someone out there knows something about her daughter's disappearance. Police say the mother of two left her Winston-Salem home, and never returned.

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — Kristen McNeal has been missing for 12 days, and her mom says, she's losing hope.

"To be honest, with each passing day, it's just not looking good. It's not," said Barbara Smith.

Smith believes someone out there knows something about her daughter's disappearance. Police say the mother of two left her Winston-Salem home and never returned.

RELATED: Winston-Salem Police Add Resources to Help In Search To Find Kristen McNeal

Smith says her daughter's disappearance is bizarre. She always let someone know where she was going, and when she'd get back. That's why she fears the worst may have happened.

"She never went out and stayed gone like this. She never did. She's never done this before," she said, "I know something is wrong. And I know somebody out there knows something. It's just that they're not coming forward."

Police said Kristen McNeal's car is a white 1989 Oldsmobile, with the front end spray painted black. Police released photos of the car on February 15th, just two days before she went missing. 

RELATED: Criminal Investigation Begins in Disappearance of Kristen McNeal: Winston-Salem Police Confirms

McNeal is the mother of two sons, age 12 and 9 years old.

"I don't understand why anyone would cause her any harm," Smith said, "I'm not going give up and I'm not the only one that feels that way. We are going to find out what happened to her."

Smith believes a *drug problem in the area where they live - may have played a role. On Tuesday, police searched a two-mile area around her home in a helicopter, looking for her car. Her mom hopes police widen their search area and bring out cadaver dogs, during their next search.

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