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'It means everything' | Guilford County emergency crews reunite with a cardiac arrest survivor

Guilford metro 911, the Greensboro Fire Department and Guilford County Emergency Services helped save the life of John Salmon.

GUILFORD COUNTY, N.C. — Emergency crews from Guilford metro 911, the Greensboro Fire Department and Guilford County Emergency Services united for a special reason Wednesday. 

They met a man they saved during a heart attack and cardiac arrest. First responders told News 2 how each agency and loved ones played a role in saving John Salmon's life. 

They said it's through what's called the "chain of survival".

Salmon said Monday, August 16 started like any other day. 

"I got a drink, my coffee, talked to the wife, went to use the bathroom," said Salmon. 

Until he passed out and had a massive heart attack that led to a cardiac arrest.

"My wife heard me fall and she was able to push the door open and see that I was unconscious," said Salmon. 

He said she immediately called 911, which is the first step of the "chain of survival." It's a list of events that must happen to help increase the chance of someone surviving.

'Shortly after that, she got my 18-year-old stepson out. He was still sleeping at 6:30 in the morning and he started good quality CPR.

Performing CPR is the second step. 

"His stepson was very instrumental in all this. His wife stayed calm and communicated information to the dispatcher that we needed," said Hayes Meekins with the Greensboro Fire Department. 

Greensboro Fire and Guilford County EMS were also crucial in this save.

In the next steps, first response and paramedic level care come into play, and then hospital care and recovery. 

"Everything just happened just like it should. 911 was called quickly, CPR was started quickly. I believe we had him defibrillator at it which is the AED Part within six minutes of his arrest and like he had said we had him to the Cath Lab at Cone in under an hour," said Katie Henley with Guilford County EMS. 

As a former Firefighter, Salmon was used to saving lives. Now, he hopes his story of cardiac arrest and survival can save even more lives. 

"It means everything that this was set up so we can spread the word and show thanks where thanks should be shown," said Salmon. 


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