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What to look for to find the perfect watermelon

It's not about thumping the watermelon, it's about what you see on the outside.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — People tell you to thump the watermelon but I needed a few more details on how to pick the perfect watermelon.  Eagle Eye Produce offers up an easy graphic showing How to Pick a Perfect Watermelon.

 If it's uniform size and heavy-- it's sweet.

 Elongated? It's watery. 

An orange field spot is a sign of full flavor. Don't get that confused with a white spot, that's little to no taste.

Now, most watermelons have brown webbing or scratches on them. The more the webbing, make sweeter it is. With the smaller webbing, chances are the watermelon is bland. 

When the outside of the melon is dark and dull it's ripe. When it's shiny, it may look pretty, but it's not ripe. 

How to pick a perfect pineapple

  1. The other fruit that I've been in search of lately is a pineapple. I went to the Food Network for this one. There are four things to look for in a pineapple to know it's ripe to eat:

Pick up the pineapple and smell the bottom. If it smells sweet, it's ripe. If it smells a little funky, or fermented, put it back!

The color should be mostly yellow with some green.

Gently squeeze the pineapple. It should be firm but give a little.

Pluck a leaf from the middle of the crown. If it comes off easy, it's ripe! 


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