GREENSBORO, N.C. — May is Date Your Mate Month. Given the stay-at-home orders and stress of the economy gridlock, we imagine that dating hasn't been a priority for many people. But, we want to help you make the most of the date night given the times.
Date night tends to go out the window when you're stressed for a few reasons. One, you see date night as a chore, something you have to do instead of a choice. Second, you might not want to be bad company and bring your partner done when you're feeling down in the dumps. A third possibility is that you may not want to be around your partner. Sometimes you might take out your negative feelings on your partner. And not want to be around them.
Dating your mate during the coronavirus can have a few benefits. It would allow you to reconnect with your partner and strengthen bonds. Reminds you that you need each other and fun you have can buffer you from the stress. Additionally, you'll focus on the positive and remember that you're in this together, which is better than being alone.
The key to dating during these stressful times is to do something different. A couple of ideas: have a midnight nightcap outside in your backyard, patio or deck. Enjoy being outside and the stray lights of the stars. Or, make a fort out of blankets in your den and have a picnic underneath your fort. The point is to do something different, which is out of the ordinary. Sharing a new experience brings excitement back to your lives.
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