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High Chlorine Smell in Greensboro Water Prompts Calls to City, WFMY News 2

Some Greensboro city water customers experienced an overwhelming smell of chlorine coming from their water this past weekend. 

WFMY News 2

GREENSBORO, N.C.-- Some Greensboro city water customers experienced an overwhelming smell of chlorine coming from their water this past weekend.

Several customers contacted WFMY News 2 via phone or posted on our Facebook page about it. One person said they had to put their windows up after bath time.

We contacted the city and they said there was an issue after the start up of the Mitchell Water plant, which just received a newly installed system.

Here's the city's full statement:

Water Supply staff observed a disinfectant feed rate imbalance this weekend that partly stemmed from the startup of the Mitchell Water Plant after repairs were made on a newly installed system. Staff members were dispatched to the field to respond to the received calls regarding the “chlorine” smell in the water. All samples taken in the field and taken back to the lab confirmed water quality parameters were within the normal range. Staff did confirm a “chlorine” smell in the samples taken. The imbalance has since been resolved and the smell has dissipated as the water moves through the distribution system. Staff will continue to monitor the system to make sure no additional measures are necessary and take appropriate measures to ensure a reoccurrence does not take place. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we continue to complete necessary capital improvements at the Mitchell Water Plant."

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