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Ways to feel safe at outdoor gatherings

One of the first things to do to stay safe is to be aware of your surroundings.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Today is the Fourth of July and many people will be getting together for backyard barbecues and finish the day by watching fireworks. With the recent mass shooting at a block party in Baltimore, we want to talk about ways to stay safe at outdoor events that you might be attending to celebrate Independence Day.

One of the first things to do to stay safe is to be aware of your surroundings. Are you familiar with the location where you’ll be? Make sure that you know the exits. Identify places where you can hide. Park your car in a spot where you have an easy exit.

When it comes to identifying dangers, generally speaking, something is suspicious if it seems out of the ordinary of what most people would do. Think about what doesn’t fit in the public place where you’re at. For example, someone leaves their backpack and doesn’t come back for it. Or, someone whose behavior changes when someone looks at them where they’re uncomfortable or tries to hide from being seen. Or, someone who isn’t dressed for the weather such as wearing a heavy winter and bulky coat in the heat. Y

our job isn’t to know if something is really suspicious, that’s up to the authorities. If you believe that something is uniquely unusual given the circumstances, then it’s important to report it to the authorities.

Given the seemingly common occurrence of mass shootings, it’s natural to be worried about your safety going to public places. You don’t want to let your fears control your enjoyment of life. Figure out what would make you feel more comfortable going out for short periods of time. Having a plan in place will help curb your anxieties.

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