Slowly, but surely your life is finding a new normal after being cooped up for the past couple of months. With any difficulty, you're told to find something positive. It's a healthy way to deal with hard times. A positive mindset helps you overcome obstacles.
In the midst of a crisis, you have to adapt quickly to situations in order to get to the other side of the crisis. I believe in finding the silver lining in situations. No matter, how hard the situation or the struggle is. With a crisis that's lasts over months, you learn a lot about yourself if you pay attention. These lessons are important because you never know when you'll have another crisis. If you can prove to yourself that you made it through this one then it gives you confidence that you can make it through others.
A very important one is appreciation. Ask yourself what do you find you appreciate more now than you did before the pandemic? Is it your perserverance? Is it joy of life? The people in your life? The time you had with family? Working from home? Stretching your dollars? Doing without?
These lessons don't automatically stick around after the crisis. It's common to feel a certain way during the crisis - make promises to yourself - that you end up breaking when the crisis is over. But, I challenge you to take stock in your strengths and lessons and continue to appreciate yourself and what you've overcome. Most effective - where did you come up short and what can you do to prevent in next crisis.
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