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VERIFY: What Is A Sun Dog?

Does a 'sun dog' predict ice or snow in the near future?


Have you ever noticed a small circle of light appearing near the sun? It looks almost like a smaller second sun. Most commonly, this beacon of light is called a "sun dog." Many people believe it forms when the sun reflects off of ice crystals in the sky, and a sun dog indicates snow or ice must be in the forecast.


  • Eric Chilton, Good Morning Show meteorologist


Chilton verified there is partial truth to that belief. He explained a "sun dog" occurs when the sun's light refracts through ice crystals in the upper layer of the atmosphere. It creates halos to both the right and left of the sun at 22 degrees.

That said, a sun dog does not predict winter weather events. The ice crystals are so high up in the atmosphere, they typically do not affect what is on the surface. That's why a sun dog can form any time of the year, regardless of the season.


Sun dogs do form when light refracts through ice crystals, but they do not predict impending winter weather.

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