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VERIFY: Is Expired Yogurt Safe To Eat?

Is expired yogurt safe to eat?


Is yogurt safe to eat after the expiration date?



The FDA Food Keeper app recommends yogurts get eaten within one to two weeks in the refrigerator or within one to two months in the freezer. Keep in mind, the sell-by date means the last day a manufacturer will support its product's quality, not necessarily its safety.

The EatByDate and Food University blogs explain unopened Greek yogurt is safe to eat one to two weeks after the sell-by date, as long as it has been in the refrigerator. Regular yogurt is safe even longer -- up to two to three weeks. The older it gets, the more sour it will taste. It also will develop water on the top layer, but the water is just whey - and it's normally safe to consume.

However, if the yogurt is already open, it will last only about a week in the fridge. At the end of the day, your senses are the best resource. If the yogurt smells sour, it is probably no good. If the yogurt appears to be curdling at the bottom, it is going bad, and when the live bacterial cultures in yogurt die off, mold will form. Never eat moldy yogurt.


Do not throw away your yummy yogurt (or your money), just because the sell by date has passed. Let these recommendations and your own senses be the judge.


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