WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. - The Winston-Salem Police Department is working hard to keep drugs off the street.
The K-9 Unit is using a new training tool to teach police dogs how to spot narcotics.
Police built a "scent wall" last month made of plywood, 2x4 boards, and plastic tubing.
PHOTOS | The Winston-Salem Police 'Scent Wall'
Police use the holes in the wall to hide narcotics from the dogs.
The dogs search and sniff around the wall in hopes of detecting the hidden drugs.
Sgt. Neil Berrier is with the Winston-Salem Police K-9 Unit.
He says the scent wall is important for basic narcotic training because it helps law enforcement spot drugs in hard to find places.
Behind The Blue Line Foundation, Smith-Phillips Lumber Company, and Robert and Melanie Niblock funded the scent wall, which cost about $700.
Police plan on making the scent wall larger to help train more dogs on the force.