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Monday Motivation: Is the keto diet the key to weight loss?

When it comes to weight loss there are so many trendy diets posted online. Coach Lynch Hunt with AWOL Fitness explains how the keto diet works.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — When it comes to weight loss there are so many trendy diets posted online. Keto, Paleo, Whole30 and so many more. But how successful are they? That’s the focus of this week’s Monday Motivation.

A WFMY viewer asked:

“I’m trying to lose weight. I’ve tried diets I’ve seen online, but what about keto? Is a low-carb diet like keto the answer to weight loss?”

Health and Wellness Coach Lynch Hunt with AWOL Fitness said keto can be an effective form of weight loss.

“It’s a low-carb diet, it’s high in fat, and it’s designed to keep your body in a state of ketosis,” Hunt said. “Ketosis is when your body has a reduction in insulin levels and an increased breakdown of fat. I know that sounds great and you’re probably sold but it’s essential to remember that the best diet for you is going to depend on your preferences and your lifestyle.”

Hunt recommends consulting a healthcare professional or a registered dietician before starting a specialized diet like keto. 

“They’re always going to be able to help you find a personalized approach that aligns with your goals, your preferences, and your health status,” Hunt said. “When it comes to sustainable weight loss, it’s important that you understand how all of this works for your body and how this works on a fundamental level, so you know how to balance this type of diet with regular exercise.”

Hunt suggests those looking to lose weight keep experimenting until they find what program works for their lifestyle and is going to keep them motivated on their journey to better health. 

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