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Learning to understand your child’s behavior

What parents should consider when addressing behavior

Kids can do some pretty funny things, which makes parents laugh. But, kids can also say and do things that embarrass their parents. When it’s done in front of other people or in public, some parents may want to stop the embarrassing behavior immediately.

Some parents are quick to stop or redirect their kids’ behaviors because they think if their kid is misbehaving, then it makes them look bad. The perception is that their kids are a reflection of their parenting. If the parent hasn’t set an example for the embarrassing behavior, they don’t understand why their kid is acting in a certain way. Here’s the deal. Kids have free will, and they’re exposed to influences outside the home. No matter how often you have asked them not to do or say something, they may choose to do the opposite. The bottom line is that you must accept your kids for who they are, not who you wish they would be. 

There are a few reasons for parents to consider taking a step back. Realize that what you might find embarrassing, others may not. Also, your children have distinct personalities, which means they aren’t clones of you and act as you would. Your children will quickly determine whether their behavior crossed any lines by others’ reactions.

When your kids embarrass you, try not to see it as a reflection of you as a parent. They’re their person, meaning they’ll make their own choices. Try to figure out their motivation for saying or acting a certain way. This will help you understand them better. Take a deep breath and let it go. Also, if you feel like you must say something, you should talk to them in private because it’s less likely to cause an argument.

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