GREENSBORO, N.C. — People are constantly looking out for themselves, protecting their best interests because they don't want to get hurt or don't want anyone to take advantage of them. While self-protection is important, it shouldn't be to the exclusion of what's good for others, particularly those you love.
You can't go wrong when you balance what you want and need while being considerate of what's important to someone else, making sure that they get what they want and need. If you put yourself before others, particularly someone you say you love, you show them that you don't care about them because you're only looking out for yourself. Ultimately, you'll destroy your relationship because they can't trust that you've got their best interests at heart.
When you balance what's best for you and for someone else, particularly someone you love, like your romantic partner, parent, or child, you create a tighter bond between you. Your actions ripple effect on the other person and society because you think of "we," not "me." What's that saying? You get what you want when you help someone else get what they want.
Game over if someone is putting your mental, physical, or emotional well-being at risk, such as abuse, manipulation, or toxicity. All bets are off. You have to prioritize your safety and health in these situations. Looking out for yourself and the other person is important in otherwise healthy situations. You'll be happier and have a healthier, stronger relationship.
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