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Debunking body language myths

Body language expert, Blanca Cobb explains how some things you might hear about body language is false and what they actually mean.

GREENSBORO, N.C. — This morning, we're tackling three common body language myths: crossed arms always meaning dishonesty, open palms guaranteeing trust, and the infamous "liar's smile."

Crossed arms can convey a variety of meanings depending on the situation. It can signal discomfort or disagreement, but it can also simply be a comfortable position for someone, especially when standing for a long time, feeling cold, or deep in thought. Look for additional cues. Is the person's frown indicating disagreement, or are they simply concentrating? Are they actively listening and engaging in the conversation despite their crossed arms?

Open palms can indicate openness and honesty, but they can also be used to emphasize a point or simply be a natural resting position for some individuals. Observe other nonverbal cues like eye contact, facial expressions, and tone of voice. Someone truly engaged and honest will likely display a combination of positive nonverbal signals, not just open palms.

Since some people get Botox to combat aging, it can be challenging to differentiate between genuine and fake smiles. Genuine smiles involve the mouth muscles and crinkling around the eyes. Consider the context, other nonverbal cues, and even the individual's baseline behavior before drawing conclusions.

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